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Entity hr en-US
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
{ -brand-full-name } koristi web-bazirane usluge („Usluge”) kako bi se omogućile neke funkcije koje možeš koristiti s ovom binarnom verzijom { -brand-short-name(case: "gen") } pod uvjetima koji su dolje navedeni. Ako ne želiš koristiti jednu ili više usluga ili, ako su ti uslovi korištenja neprihvatljivi, možeš onemogućiti funkciju ili usluge. Instrukcije o tome, kako onemogućiti određenu funkciju ili uslugu, možeš pronaći <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">ovdje</a>. Druge funkcije i usluge mogu biti onemogućene u postavkama aplikacije.
{ -brand-full-name } uses web-based information services (“Services”) to provide some of the features provided for your use with this binary version of { -brand-short-name } under the terms described below. If you do not want to use one or more of the Services or the terms below are unacceptable, you may disable the feature or Service(s). Instructions on how to disable a particular feature or Service may be found <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">here</a>. Other features and Services can be disabled in the application preferences.
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