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Entity gd en-US
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • neterror • certError.ftl
Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan tèarainteachd a tha ’gam foillseachadh le ùghdarrasan theisteanasan. Chan eil earbsa aig a’ mhòrchuid de bhrabhsairean ann an GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte agus VeriSign tuilleadh. Tha { $hostname } a’ cleachdadh teisteanas o aon dhe na h-ùghdarrasan seo agus cha ghabh dearbh-aithne na làraich-lìn a dhearbhadh ri linn sin.
Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are issued by certificate authorities. Most browsers no longer trust certificates issued by GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte, and VeriSign. { $hostname } uses a certificate from one of these authorities and so the website’s identity cannot be proven.
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