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{ -brand-full-name } al dopre servizis di informazion basâts sul web (“Servizis”) distribuîts cun cheste version dal eseguibil di { -brand-short-name } par dâ cualchidune des funzionalitâts furnidis pal to ûs personâl, tai tiermins descrits chi sot. Se no tu desideris un o plui di chei Servizis o no tu acetis i tiermins di utilizazion, tu puedis disabilitâ la funzion o il/i Servizi(s). Al è pussibil cjatâ lis istruzions su cemût disabilitâ une particolâr funzion o Servizi <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">achì</a>. Tes preferencis de aplicazion al è pussibil disativâ altris funzions o Servizis.
{ -brand-full-name } uses web-based information services (“Services”) to provide some of the features provided for your use with this binary version of { -brand-short-name } under the terms described below. If you do not want to use one or more of the Services or the terms below are unacceptable, you may disable the feature or Service(s). Instructions on how to disable a particular feature or Service may be found <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">here</a>. Other features and Services can be disabled in the application preferences.
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