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toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutAddons.ftl private-browsing-description2 |
{ -brand-short-name } is changing how extensions work in private browsing. Any new extensions you add to
{ -brand-short-name } won’t run by default in Private Windows. Unless you allow it in settings, the
extension won’t work while private browsing, and won’t have access to your online activities
there. We’ve made this change to keep your private browsing private.
<label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Learn how to manage extension settings</label>
{ -brand-short-name } měnja, kak rozšěrjenja w priwatnym modusu funguja. Nowe rozšěrjenja, kotrež
{ -brand-short-name } přidawaće, po standardźe w priwatnych woknach njefunguja. Chibazo
dowoleće to w nastajenjach, rozšěrjenje w priwatnym modusu njefunguje a nima přistup k wašim
aktiwitam online. Smy tutu změnu sčinili, zo by waš priwatny modus priwatny wóstał. <label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Zhońće wjace wo rjadowanju nastajenjow rozšěrjenja.</label>
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