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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } also offers a similar sync feature when you sign up for a free <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-account }</a> that enables users to easily synchronize their bookmarks, browsing history, preferences, passwords, filled forms, add-ons, and the last 25 opened tabs across multiple computers. What sets { -brand-name-firefox } apart from { -brand-name-safari } is that it is available on any desktop or mobile platform, { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-windows } or { -brand-name-macos }, boosting its portability across any device you may own.
{ -brand-name-firefox } također nudi sličnu funkciju sinkronizacije kad se prijaviš na besplatni <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-account } račun</a>, čime se omogućuje jednostavna sinkronizacija zabilješki, povijesti pregledavanja, postavki, lozinki, ispunjenih obrazaca, dodataka i zadnjih 25 otvorenih kartica na više računala. { -brand-name-firefox } se razlikuje od { -brand-name-safari }ja u tome što je dostupan za razne platforme, { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-windows } ili { -brand-name-macos }, povećavajući njegovu prenosivost na bilo koji uređaj koji posjeduješ.
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