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There are many different ways of advancing the principles of the { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. We welcome a broad range of activities, and anticipate the same creativity that { -brand-name-mozilla } participants have shown in other areas of the project. For individuals not deeply involved in the { -brand-name-mozilla } project, one basic and very effective way to support the Manifesto is to use { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } and other products that embody the principles of the Manifesto.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifestuaren printzipioak sustatzeko hainbat modu dago. Askotariko jarduerak baliatzen ditugu horretarako, eta proiektuaren beste eremuetan { -brand-name-mozilla }ko parte-hartzaileek erakutsi duten irudimena ongi etorria izango da. { -brand-name-mozilla } proiektuan zuzenean parte hartzen ez dutenentzat, bada Manifestuari atxikipena erakusteko modu sinple eta oso eraginkor bat: { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } eta, finean, Manifestua bere egiten duten produktuak erabiltzea.
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