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Websedła mógu eksterne wabjenje, wideo a druge wośimjeśe ze slědujucym kodom zacytaś. Gaž slědujuce wopśimjeśe blokěrujośo, móžo to pomagaś, sedła malsnjej zacytaś, ale někotare tłocaški, formulary a pśizjawjeńske póla snaź wěcej njebudu funkcioněrowaś. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Dalšne informacije</a>
Websites may load external ads, videos, and other content with tracking code. Blocking tracking content can help sites load faster, but some buttons, forms, and login fields might not work. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Learn more</a>
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