
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
am { -brand-name-firefox } ምንድን ነው? 🔍
ar ما هو { -brand-name-firefox }؟ 🔍
ast ¿Qué ye { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
be Што такое { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
br Petra eo { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
bs Šta je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
cak ¿Achike ri { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
cs Co je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
cy Beth yw { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
de Was ist { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
dsb Co jo { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
el Τι είναι το { -brand-name-firefox }; 🔍
en What is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
en-CA What is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
en-GB What is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
es-AR ¿Qué es { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
es-CL ¿Qué es { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
es-ES ¿Qué es { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
es-MX ¿Qué es { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
fi Mikä on { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
fr Qu’est-ce que { -brand-name-firefox } ? 🔍
fy-NL Wat is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
gl Que é o { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
gn ¿Mba’épa { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
he מהו { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
hi-IN { -brand-name-firefox } क्या है? 🔍
hr Što je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
hsb Što je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
hu Mi a { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
ia Que es { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
id Apakah { -brand-name-firefox } itu? 🔍
it Che cos’è { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
ja { -brand-name-firefox } とは? 🔍
ka რა არის { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
kab D acu-t { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
ko { -brand-name-firefox }가 무엇인가요? 🔍
lo { -brand-name-firefox } ແມ່ນຫຍັງ? 🔍
ms Apakah { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
nl Wat is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
nn-NO Kva er { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
pa-IN { -brand-name-firefox } ਕੀ ਹੈ? 🔍
pt-BR O que é { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
pt-PT O que é o { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
rm Tge è { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
ru Что такое { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
sco Whit is { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
sk Čo je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
skr { -brand-name-firefox } کیا ہے؟ 🔍
sl Kaj je { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
sq Ç’është { -brand-name-firefox }-i? 🔍
sr Шта је { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
sv-SE Vad är { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
th { -brand-name-firefox } คืออะไร 🔍
tl Ano ang { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox } nedir? 🔍
uk Що таке { -brand-name-firefox }? 🔍
ur { -brand-name-firefox } کیا ہے؟ 🔍
vi { -brand-name-firefox } là gì? 🔍
zh-CN { -brand-name-firefox } 是什么? 🔍
zh-TW { -brand-name-firefox } 是什麼? 🔍
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