
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
ach { -brand-name-firefox-focus } tye nonge pi nyonyo me { -brand-name-ios } ki { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
am { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ለሁለቱም የ{ -brand-name-ios } እና { -brand-name-android } መሳሪያዎች ይገኛል። 🔍
ar مُتصفح { -brand-name-firefox-focus } مُتوفر للأجهزة التي تعمل بنظام التشغيل { -brand-name-ios } أو { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
be { -brand-name-firefox-focus } даступны як для { -brand-name-ios }, так і для { -brand-name-android } прылад. 🔍
bs { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je dostupan i za { -brand-name-ios } i { -brand-name-android } uređaje. 🔍
cs { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je dostupný pro zařízení se systémem { -brand-name-ios } i { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
cy Mae { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ar gael ar gyfer dyfeisiau { -brand-name-ios } ac { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
de { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ist sowohl für { -brand-name-ios }- als auch für { -brand-name-android }-Geräte verfügbar. 🔍
dsb { -brand-name-firefox-focus } jo za rědy z { -brand-name-ios } a { -brand-name-android } k dispoziciji 🔍
el Το { -brand-name-firefox-focus } είναι διαθέσιμο για συσκευές { -brand-name-ios } και { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
en { -brand-name-firefox-focus } is available for both { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } devices. 🔍
en-CA { -brand-name-firefox-focus } is available for both { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } devices. 🔍
en-GB { -brand-name-firefox-focus } is available for both { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } devices. 🔍
es-AR { -brand-name-firefox-focus } está disponible en dispositivos con { -brand-name-ios } y { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
es-CL { -brand-name-firefox-focus } está disponible tanto para dispositivos { -brand-name-ios } como { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
es-ES { -brand-name-firefox-focus } está disponible en dispositivos con { -brand-name-ios } y { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
es-MX { -brand-name-firefox-focus } esta disponible para dispositivos { -brand-name-ios } y { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
fi { -brand-name-firefox-focus } on saatavilla { -brand-name-ios }- ja { -brand-name-android }-laitteille. 🔍
fr { -brand-name-firefox-focus } est disponible sur les appareils { -brand-name-ios } et { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
fy-NL { -brand-name-firefox-focus } is beskikber foar sawol { -brand-name-ios }- as { -brand-name-android }-apparaten. 🔍
gn { -brand-name-firefox-focus } eiporukuaa mba’e’okápe { -brand-name-ios } ndive ha { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
hi-IN { -brand-name-firefox-focus } की उपलब्धता { -brand-name-ios } और { -brand-name-android } दोनों प्रकार की डिवाइसों के लिए है। 🔍
hr { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je dostupan za { -brand-name-ios } i { -brand-name-android } uređaje. 🔍
hsb { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je za graty z { -brand-name-ios } a { -brand-name-android } k dispoziciji 🔍
hu A { -brand-name-firefox-focus } elérhető mind { -brand-name-ios }-es, mind { -brand-name-android(cap: "lower") }os eszközökre. 🔍
ia { -brand-name-firefox-focus } es disponibile pro apparatos { -brand-name-ios } e { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
id { -brand-name-firefox-focus } tersedia untuk perangkat { -brand-name-ios } dan { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
is { -brand-name-firefox-focus } er tiltækur fyrir bæði { -brand-name-ios } og { -brand-name-android } tæki. 🔍
it { -brand-name-firefox-focus } è disponibile sia per dispositivi { -brand-name-ios } che { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
ja { -brand-name-firefox-focus } は、{ -brand-name-ios } と { -brand-name-android } 両方のデバイスに対応します。 🔍
ka { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ხელმისაწვდომია როგორც { -brand-name-ios }, ასევე { -brand-name-android }-მოწყობილობებზე 🔍
kab { -brand-name-firefox-focus } yella i sin yibenkan { -brand-name-ios } d { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
ko { -brand-name-ios }와 { -brand-name-android } 디바이스 모두에서 { -brand-name-firefox-focus } 사용이 가능합니다. 🔍
lo { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ສາມາດໃຊ້ໄດ້ກັບທັງອຸປະກອນ { -brand-name-ios } ແລະ { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
ms { -brand-name-firefox-focus } boleh didapati untuk peranti-peranti { -brand-name-ios } dan { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
nl { -brand-name-firefox-focus } is beschikbaar voor zowel { -brand-name-ios }- als { -brand-name-android }-apparaten. 🔍
nn-NO { -brand-name-firefox-focus } er tilgjengeleg for både { -brand-name-ios } og { -brand-name-android }-einingar. 🔍
pa-IN { -brand-name-firefox-focus } { -brand-name-ios } ਅਤੇ { -brand-name-android } ਦੋਵੇਂ ਕਿਸਮ ਦੇ ਡਿਵਾਈਸਾਂ ਲਈ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ। 🔍
pt-BR O { -brand-name-firefox-focus } está disponível para dispositivos { -brand-name-ios } e { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
pt-PT { -brand-name-firefox-focus } está disponível para dispositivos { -brand-name-ios } e { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
rm { -brand-name-firefox-focus } stat a disposiziun tant per apparats dad { -brand-name-ios } sco era per tals dad { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
ru { -brand-name-firefox-focus } доступен как для устройств { -brand-name-ios }, так и для { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
si { -brand-name-ios } සහ { -brand-name-android } සඳහා { -brand-name-firefox-focus } තිබේ. 🔍
sk { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je k dispozícii pre zariadenia s { -brand-name-ios } aj { -brand-name-android(case: "ins") }. 🔍
skr { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ݙوہیں { -brand-name-ios } تے { -brand-name-android }{ -brand-name-android } ڈیوائساں کیتے دستیاب ہے۔ 🔍
sl { -brand-name-firefox-focus } je na voljo tako za naprave { -brand-name-ios } kot { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
sq { -brand-name-firefox-focus } është gati për pajisje { -brand-name-ios } dhe { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
sr { -brand-name-firefox-focus } је доступан и за { -brand-name-ios } и { -brand-name-android } уређаје. 🔍
sv-SE { -brand-name-firefox-focus } är tillgänglig för både { -brand-name-ios } och { -brand-name-android }-enheter. 🔍
th { -brand-name-firefox-focus } ใช้ได้กับทั้งอุปกรณ์ { -brand-name-ios } และ { -brand-name-android } 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox-focus } hem { -brand-name-ios } hem de { -brand-name-android } cihazlara yüklenebilir. 🔍
uk { -brand-name-firefox-focus } доступний як для пристроїв { -brand-name-ios }, так і для { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
vi { -brand-name-firefox-focus } khả dụng cho cả thiết bị { -brand-name-ios } và { -brand-name-android }. 🔍
zh-CN { -brand-name-firefox-focus } 适用于 { -brand-name-ios } 和 { -brand-name-android } 设备。 🔍
zh-TW { -brand-name-ios } 及 { -brand-name-android } 裝置皆可下載安裝 { -brand-name-firefox-focus }。 🔍
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