
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
ach <a href="{ $about }">Nong ngec</a> ikom { -brand-name-mozilla }, dul mape tye pi magoba ma okelo { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
am ስለ { -brand-name-mozilla }፣ ከ{ -brand-name-firefox } በስተጀርባ ያለው ለትርፍ ያልተቋቋመው <a href="{ $about }">ይማር</a>። 🔍
ar <a href="{ $about }">تعرّف</a> على { -brand-name-mozilla }، الشركة غير الربحية التي ترعى { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
ast <a href="{ $about }">Llei más</a> tocante a { -brand-name-mozilla }, la organización ensin ánimu de llucru darrera de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
be <a href="{ $about }">Даведайцеся</a> пра { -brand-name-mozilla }, некамерцыйную падтрымку { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
bg <a href="{ $about }">Научете</a> за { -brand-name-mozilla }, нестопанската цел на { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
br <a href="{ $about }">Gouezit hiroc'h</a> diwar-benn { -brand-name-mozilla }, an aozadur hep pal arc'hantel a-dreñv { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
bs <a href="{ $about }">Saznajte više</a> o { -brand-name-mozilla }u, neprofitnoj organizaciji koja stoji iza { -brand-name-firefox }a. 🔍
ca <a href="{ $about }">Més informació</a> sobre { -brand-name-mozilla }, l'organització sense ànim de lucre darrere del { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
cak <a href="{ $about }">Tawetamaj</a> chi rij { -brand-name-mozilla }, ri moloj majun ch'akoj rojqan k'o pa ruwi' ri { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
cs <a href="{ $about }">Zjistěte více</a> o { -brand-name-mozilla(case: "loc") }, neziskové organizaci, která je autorem { -brand-name-firefox(case: "gen") }. 🔍
cy <a href="{ $about }">Dysgu</a> am { -brand-name-mozilla }, y corff nid-er-elw y tu ôl i { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
da <a href="{ $about }">Læs</a> mere om { -brand-name-mozilla }, nonprofit-organisationen bag { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
de <a href="{ $about }">Erfahren Sie mehr</a> über { -brand-name-mozilla }, die gemeinnützige Organisation hinter { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
dsb <a href="{ $about }">Zgóńśo</a> wěcej wó { -brand-name-mozilla }, za wše wužytnej organizaciji za { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
el <a href="{ $about }">Μάθετε</a> για τη { -brand-name-mozilla }, τον μη κερδοσκοπικό οργανισμό πίσω από το { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
en <a href="{ $about }">Learn</a> about { -brand-name-mozilla }, the not-for-profit behind { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
en-CA <a href="{ $about }">Learn</a> about { -brand-name-mozilla }, the not-for-profit behind { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
en-GB <a href="{ $about }">Learn</a> about { -brand-name-mozilla }, the not-for-profit behind { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
eo <a href="{ $about }">Pli da informo</a> pri { -brand-name-mozilla }, la neprofitcela organizo kiu kreas { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
es-AR <a href="{ $about }">Aprendé </a> sobre { -brand-name-mozilla }, la organización sin fines de lucro detrás de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
es-CL <a href="{ $about }">Aprende </a> acerca de { -brand-name-mozilla }, la organización sin fines de lucro detrás de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
es-ES <a href="{ $about }">Aprende</a> sobre { -brand-name-mozilla }, la organización sin ánimo de lucro detrás de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
es-MX <a href="{ $about }">Aprende</a> sobre { -brand-name-mozilla }, la organización sin ánimo de lucro detrás de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
fi <a href="{ $about }">Lisätietoja</a> { -brand-name-mozilla }sta, joka on { -brand-name-firefox }in taustalla oleva voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio. 🔍
fr <a href="{ $about }">Apprenez-en plus sur { -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, l’organisation à but non lucratif à l’origine de { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
fy-NL <a href="{ $about }">Lês</a> oer { -brand-name-mozilla }, de non-profitorganisaasje efter { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
gd Faigh <a href="{ $about }">fiosrachadh</a> mu { -brand-name-mozilla }, am buidheann neo-phrothaideach air chùl { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
gl <a href="{ $about }">Saiba máis</a> sobre { -brand-name-mozilla }, a organización sen ánimo de grupo detrás do { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
gn <a href="{ $about }">Eikuaa</a> { -brand-name-mozilla } rehegua, atyguasu virupota’ỹva { -brand-name-firefox } rapykuerigua. 🔍
he <a href="{ $about }">מידע נוסף</a> אודות { -brand-name-mozilla }, העמותה ללא כוונת רווח שמאחורי { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
hi-IN { -brand-name-firefox } के पीछे जो है, उस गैर-लाभकारी { -brand-name-mozilla } के बारे में <a href="{ $about }">जानें</a>। 🔍
hr <a href="{ $about }">Saznaj više</a> o { -brand-name-mozilla }u, neprofitnoj organizaciji koja stoji iza { -brand-name-firefox }a. 🔍
hsb <a href="{ $about }">Zhońće</a> wjace wo { -brand-name-mozilla }, powšitkownosći słužacej organizaciji za { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
hu <a href="{ $about }">Tudjon meg többet</a> a { -brand-name-mozilla(ending: "accented") }ról, a { -brand-name-firefox } mögötti nonprofit szervezetről. 🔍
ia <a href="{ $about }">Apprende</a> re { -brand-name-mozilla }, le organisation non-lucrative detra { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
id <a href="{ $about }">Pelajari</a> tentang { -brand-name-mozilla }, organisasi nirlaba di balik { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
is <a href="{ $about }">Kynntu þér</a> { -brand-name-mozilla }, samtökin á hagnaðarmarkmiða sem standa á bak við { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
it <a href="{ $about }">Ulteriori informazioni</a> su { -brand-name-mozilla }, l’organizzazione senza fini di lucro che ha realizzato { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
ja { -brand-name-firefox } を開発した非営利法人、{ -brand-name-mozilla } の<a href="{ $about }">詳細はこちらです</a>。 🔍
ka <a href="{ $about }">გაიცანით</a> უკეთ { -brand-name-mozilla }, არამომგებიანი დაწესებულება, რომლის ქმნილებაცაა { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
kab <a href="{ $about }">Lmed</a> ɣef { -brand-name-mozilla }, tin ur nettnadi ara tadrimt i yellan deffir { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
km <a href="{ $about }"> ស្វែងយល់ </a> អំពី { -brand-name-mozilla } ដែលមិនស្វែងរកប្រាក់ចំណេញនៅពីក្រោយ { -brand-name-firefox } ឡើយ។ 🔍
ko { -brand-name-firefox }를 운영하는 비영리 단체 { -brand-name-mozilla }에 대해 <a href="{ $about }">알아보기</a> 🔍
lo <a href="{ $about }">ຮຽນຮູ້</a> ກ່ຽວກັບ { -brand-name-mozilla }, ທີ່ບໍ່ຫວັງຜົນກໍາໄລທີ່ຢູ່ເບື້ອງຫຼັງ { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
mk <a href="{ $about }"> Дознајте </a> за { -brand-name-mozilla }, непрофитната организација која стои позади { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
ms <a href="{ $about }">Ketahui</a> tentang { -brand-name-mozilla } syarikat yang bukan berasaskan keuntungan di belakang { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
my { -brand-name-firefox } နောက်က ပံ့ပိုးနေတဲ့ { -brand-name-mozilla } not-for-profit အဖွဲ့ အကြောင်း <a href="{ $about }"> လေ့လာပါ</a> 🔍
nb-NO <a href="{ $about }">Les</a> mer om { -brand-name-mozilla }, den ideelle organisasjonen bak { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
nl <a href="{ $about }">Lees</a> over { -brand-name-mozilla }, de non-profitorganisatie achter { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
nn-NO <a href="{ $about }">Les</a> meir om { -brand-name-mozilla }, den ideelle organisasjonen bak { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
pa-IN { -brand-name-mozilla }, { -brand-name-firefox } ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਗ਼ੈਰਫਾਇਦਾ ਸੰਗਠਨ ਬਾਰੇ <a href="{ $about }">ਸਿੱਖੋ</a>। 🔍
pl <a href="{ $about }">Więcej informacji</a> o { -brand-name-mozilla(case: "loc") }, organizacji non-profit stojącej za { -brand-name-firefox(case: "ins") }. 🔍
pt-BR <a href="{ $about }">Saiba mais</a> sobre a { -brand-name-mozilla }, a organização sem fins lucrativos por trás do { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
pt-PT <a href="{ $about }">Saiba mais</a> sobre a { -brand-name-mozilla }, a organização sem fins lucrativos por trás do { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
rm <a href="{ $about }">Ve a savair dapli</a> davart { -brand-name-mozilla }, l'organisaziun senza finamira da profit che sviluppa { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
ro <a href="{ $about }">Află</a> despre { -brand-name-mozilla }, organizația nonprofit din spatele { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
ru <a href="{ $about }">Узнайте</a> о { -brand-name-mozilla }, некоммерческой организации, разрабатывающей { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
sco <a href="{ $about }">Lairn</a> aboot { -brand-name-mozilla }, the no-fur-profit ahint { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
si { -brand-name-firefox } පිටුපස සිටින ලාභ නොලබන { -brand-name-mozilla } ගැන <a href="{ $about }">දැන ගන්න</a>. 🔍
sk <a href="{ $about }">Ďalšie informácie</a> o { -brand-name-mozilla(case: "loc") }, neziskovej organizácii, ktorá je autorom { -brand-name-firefox(case: "gen") }. 🔍
skr { -brand-name-mozilla } بارے <a href="{ $about }">سِکھو</a>، جہڑا { -brand-name-firefox } دے پچھوں منافع کیتے کائنی۔ 🔍
sl <a href="{ $about }">Spoznajte</a> { -brand-name-mozilla(sklon: "tozilnik") }, neprofitno organizacijo, ki stoji za { -brand-name-firefox(sklon: "orodnik") }. 🔍
sq <a href="{ $about }">Mësoni</a> rreth { -brand-name-mozilla }-s, enti jofitimprurës pas { -brand-name-firefox }-it. 🔍
sr <a href="{ $about }">Сазнајте више</a> о { -brand-name-mozilla }-и, непрофитној организацији која стоји иза { -brand-name-firefox }-а. 🔍
sv-SE <a href="{ $about }">Lär dig mer</a> om { -brand-name-mozilla }, den ideella organisationen bakom { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
tg <a href="{ $about }">Маълумот дар бораи</a> about { -brand-name-mozilla }, ташкилоти ғайритиҷорие, ки { -brand-name-firefox }-ро месозад. 🔍
th <a href="{ $about }">เรียนรู้</a>เกี่ยวกับ { -brand-name-mozilla } องค์กรไม่แสวงหาผลกำไรที่อยู่เบื้องหลัง { -brand-name-firefox } 🔍
tl <a href="{ $about }">Matuto pa</a> tungkol sa { -brand-name-mozilla }, ang non-for-profit na nasa likod ng { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox }’u geliştiren ve kâr amacı gütmeyen { -brand-name-mozilla } hakkında <a href="{ $about }">bilgi alın</a>. 🔍
trs <a href="{ $about }">Gāhuin chrūn</a> dàj 'hiaj sun { -brand-name-mozilla }, yi’nïn’ nīkāj ñu’ūnj sun { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
uk <a href="{ $about }">Дізнатися</a> про неприбуткову організацію { -brand-name-mozilla }, розробника { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
uz <a href="{ $about }">Bilib oling</a> { -brand-name-mozilla } haqida, u notijorat tashkilot va { -brand-name-firefox } dasturini ishlab chiqadi. 🔍
vi <a href="{ $about }">Tìm hiểu</a> về { -brand-name-mozilla }, tổ chức phi lợi nhuận đằng sau { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
zh-CN <a href="{ $about }">了解</a> { -brand-name-firefox } 背后的非营利组织-{ -brand-name-mozilla }。 🔍
zh-TW <a href="{ $about }">了解</a> { -brand-name-firefox } 背後的非營利組織-{ -brand-name-mozilla }。 🔍
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