
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
bg Незаписани съобщения (OTR) 🔍
cs Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
cy Negeseuon Dim Cofnod (OTR) 🔍
da Off the Record-chats (OTR) 🔍
de Off-the-Record-Kommunikation (OTR) 🔍
dsb Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
el Μηνύματα εκτός εγγραφής (OTR) 🔍
en-CA Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
en-GB Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
en-US Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
es-AR Mensajería extraoficial (OTR) 🔍
es-ES Mensajería Off-the-Record (OTR) 🔍
es-MX Mensajería extraoficial (OTR) 🔍
et Salvestusväline sõnumside (OTR) 🔍
eu Off-the-Record mezularitza (OTR) 🔍
fi Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
fr Messagerie Off-the-Record (OTR) 🔍
fy-NL Off-the-Record-berjochten (OTR) 🔍
gl Mensaxería fóra do rexistro (OTR) 🔍
hr Neslužbene poruke (OTR) 🔍
hsb Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
hu Nem rögzített üzenetküldés (OTR) 🔍
hy-AM Առանց գրառման հաղորդագրություններ (OTR) 🔍
hye Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
ia Messages off-the-record (OTR) 🔍
id Pesan Tanpa Rekaman (OTR) 🔍
is Skilaboð-án-skráningar (OTR) 🔍
it Messaggi off-the-record (OTR) 🔍
ja オフレコメッセージ (OTR) 🔍
ka არასაჯარო მიმოწერა, Off-the-Record (OTR) 🔍
kab Tirawt Off-the-Record (OTR) 🔍
kk Жазбадан тыс хабарламалар (OTR) 🔍
ko OTR (비공개 메시징) 🔍
lt Neįrašomos žinutės (OTR) 🔍
lv Ārpus ieraksta (OTR) ziņojumapmaiņa 🔍
nb-NO Off-the-Record melding (OTR) 🔍
nl Off-the-Record-berichten (OTR) 🔍
nn-NO Off-the-Record melding (OTR) 🔍
pl OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging) 🔍
pt-BR Troca de mensagens com criptografia (OTR) 🔍
pt-PT Mensagens fora de registo (OTR) 🔍
rm Messadis off-the-record (OTR) 🔍
ro Mesagerie neînregistrată (OTR) 🔍
ru Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) 🔍
sk Šifrované konverzácie (OTR) 🔍
sl OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging) 🔍
sq Shkëmbim Mesazhesh Off-the-Record (OTR) 🔍
sr Неприслушкивана преписка (OTR) 🔍
sv-SE Off-the-Record meddelanden (OTR) 🔍
th การส่งข้อความแบบไม่บันทึก (OTR) 🔍
tr Kayıt Dışı Mesajlaşma (OTR) 🔍
uk Повідомлення, які не записуються (OTR) 🔍
vi Nhắn tin ngoài luồng (OTR) 🔍
zh-CN 非记录通信(OTR) 🔍
zh-TW 不留紀錄聊天(OTR) 🔍
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