
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be Прымацаваць ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
bg Добавяне на прикачен файл ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ca Afegeix una adjunció ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
cs Přidat přílohu ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
cy Atodi Atodiad ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
da Vedhæft en fil ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
de Anhang hinzufügen ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
dsb Pśidank pśidaś ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
el Προσθήκη συνημμένου ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
en-CA Add an Attachment ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
en-GB Add an Attachment ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
en-US Add an Attachment ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
es-AR Agregar un adjunto ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix } { trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
es-ES Adjuntar un archivo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
es-MX Agregar un adjunto ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
et Lisa manus ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
eu Gehitu eranskina ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
fi Lisää liite ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
fr Ajouter une pièce jointe ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
fy-NL In bylage tafoegje ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
gd Cuir ceanglachan ris ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
gl Engadir un anexo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
he הוספת קובץ מצורף ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
hr Dodajte privitak ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
hsb Přiwěšk přidać ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
hu Melléklet hozzáadása ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
hy-AM Հավելել կցորդ { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key } 🔍
hye Աւելացնել Կցորդ ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ia Adde un annexo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
is Bæta við viðhengi ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
it Aggiungi un allegato ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ja 添付ファイルを追加します ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ka დანართის მიმაგრება ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
kab Rnu amedday ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
kk Салынымды қосу ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ko 첨부파일 추가 ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
lt Pridėti ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
nb-NO Legg ved et vedlegg ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
nl Een bijlage toevoegen ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
nn-NO Legg ved eit vedlegg ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
pl Dodaj pliki do tej wiadomości ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
pt-BR Adicionar um anexo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
pt-PT Adicionar um anexo ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
rm Agiuntar ina agiunta ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
ru Добавить вложение ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
sk Pridať prílohu ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
sl Dodaj priponko ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
sq Shtoni një Bashkëngjitje ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
sr Закачи прилог ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
sv-SE Lägg till en bilaga ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
th เพิ่มไฟล์แนบ ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
tr Dosya ekle ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
uk Додати вкладення ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
vi Thêm một đính kèm ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
zh-CN 添加附件({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
zh-TW 新增附件({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) 🔍
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