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All translations for this string:
Locale | Translation | |
be | Рэкамендаваныя налады для прафілявання { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
bn | প্রোফাইলিংয়ের জন্য প্রস্তাবিত প্রিসেট { -brand-shorter-name }। | 🔍 |
br | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
cak | Chilab'en rajil richin yenuk' taq ruwäch rub'i' { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
cs | { -> [with-cases] Doporučené nastavení pro profilování { -brand-shorter-name(case: "gen") }. *[no-cases] Doporučené nastavení pro profilování aplikace { -brand-shorter-name }. } | 🔍 |
cy | Y rhagosodiad a argymhellir ar gyfer proffilio { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
da | Anbefalet forhåndsindstilling for profilering af { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
de | Empfohlene Voreinstellung für die Leistungsanalyse von { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
dsb | Dopórucone pśednastajenje za profilěrowanje { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
el | Προτεινόμενη προεπιλογή για την καταγραφή προφίλ στο { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
en-CA | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
en-GB | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
en-US | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
eo | Rekomendita agordaro por rulanalizo de { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
es-AR | Configuración preestablecida recomendada para crear perfiles de { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
es-CL | Ajustes recomendados para perfilar { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
es-ES | Valor predeterminado recomendado para la creación de perfiles { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
es-MX | Configuración preestablecida recomendada para crear perfiles de { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
et | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
eu | { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en profila egiteko gomendatutako aurrezarpena. | 🔍 |
fi | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
fr | Réglage recommandé pour le profilage de { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
fur | Preconfigurazion conseade pe profilazion di { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
fy-NL | Oanrekommandearre foarynstelling foar profilearjen { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
gd | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
gl | Configuración predeterminada recomendada para o perfil { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
gn | Ñemboheko ypykue eiporukuaáva emoheñói hag̃ua mba’ete { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
he | ערכת מומלצת ליצירת פרופיל ביצועים של { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
hr | Preporučena zadana postavka za profiliranje { -brand-shorter-name(case: "gen") }. | 🔍 |
hsb | Doporučene přednastajenje za profilowanje { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
hu | Javasolt előbeállítás a { -brand-shorter-name } profilozásához. | 🔍 |
hye | { -brand-shorter-name }-ի հաշուեհաստատման համար առաջարկուող նախատեղադրում։ | 🔍 |
ia | Pre-configuration recommendate pro profilar { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
id | Prasetel yang disarankan untuk pembuatan profil { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
it | Preset consigliato per la profilazione di { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
ja | { -brand-shorter-name } のプロファイリングのための推奨プリセットです。 | 🔍 |
ja-JP-mac | { -brand-shorter-name } のプロファイリングのための推奨プリセットです。 | 🔍 |
ka | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
kab | Uzwirfren yettuwellhen i tmeɣna n { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
kk | { -brand-shorter-name } профильдеу үшін ұсынылатын баптаулар жиынтығы. | 🔍 |
ko | { -brand-shorter-name } 프로파일링에 권장되는 프리셋입니다. | 🔍 |
lt | Rekomenduojamas nustatymas „{ -brand-shorter-name }“ profiliavimui. | 🔍 |
nb-NO | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
nl | Aanbevolen voorinstelling voor profileren van { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
nn-NO | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
oc | Reglatge recomandat pel perfilatge de { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
pl | Zalecane ustawienie do profilowania { -brand-shorter-name(case: "gen") }. | 🔍 |
pt-BR | Ajuste prévio recomendado para gravação de profile do { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
pt-PT | Predefinição recomendada para perfilar o { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
rm | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
ru | Рекомендуемые настройки для профилирования { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
sat | { -brand-shorter-name } ᱢᱮᱫᱦᱟᱸᱤᱭᱟᱹ ᱞᱟᱹᱜᱤᱫ ᱡᱟᱹᱨᱩᱲ ᱡᱤᱱᱤᱥ ᱾ | 🔍 |
sc | Profilu cussigiadu pro descrìere { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
sk | Odporúčaná predvoľba pre profilovanie { -brand-shorter-name(case: "gen") }. | 🔍 |
skr | پروفائلنگ کیتے تجویز کردہ پری سیٹ { -brand-shorter-name }۔ | 🔍 |
sl | Priporočena prednastavitev za spremljanje zmogljivosti { -brand-shorter-name(sklon: "rodilnik") }. | 🔍 |
sq | Model i rekomanduar për profilizim { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
sr | Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
sv-SE | Rekommenderad förinställning för profilering av { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
tg | Танзимоти тавсияшуда барои профилсозии { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
th | ค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้าที่แนะนำสำหรับการรวบรวมประวัติ { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
tr | { -brand-shorter-name } tarayıcısını profilleme için önerilen ayar. | 🔍 |
uk | Рекомендовані налаштування для профілювання { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
vi | Giá trị đặt trước được đề xuất để kiểm tra hiệu suất { -brand-shorter-name }. | 🔍 |
zh-CN | 适合用来分析 { -brand-shorter-name } 的性能。 | 🔍 |
zh-TW | 對 { -brand-shorter-name } 進行效能檢測的建議預設值。 | 🔍 |
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