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All translations for this string:
Locale | Translation | |
be | Даследаванне Service Worker зараз адключана для шматпрацэснага { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
bg | Испектиране на обслужващи нишки е изключено за многопроцесния { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
bn | Service Worker পরিদর্শন বর্তমানে { -brand-shorter-name } মাল্টিপ্রসেসের জন্য বন্ধ আছে | 🔍 |
br | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
ca | La inspecció dels processos de treball de servei està desactivada pel multiprocés del { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
ca-valencia | La inspecció dels processos de treball de servei està desactivada pel multiprocés del { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
cak | Chupül ri runik'oxik Service Worker richin k'ïy tajinïk { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
cs | Zkoumání service workerů je pro { -brand-shorter-name.gender -> [masculine] víceprocesový { -brand-shorter-name(case: "acc") } [feminine] víceprocesovou { -brand-shorter-name(case: "acc") } [neuter] víceprocesové { -brand-shorter-name(case: "acc") } *[other] víceprocesovou aplikaci { -brand-shorter-name } } zakázáno | 🔍 |
cy | Mae Gweithiwr Gwasanaeth gwthio wedi ei analluogi ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer amlbroses { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
da | Inspektion af service-workers er i øjeblikket deaktiveret for multiproces { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
de | Das Untersuchen von Service-Workern ist derzeit deaktiviert, falls { -brand-shorter-name } mit mehr als einem Prozess ausgeführt wird. | 🔍 |
dsb | Pśeglědanje service worker jo tuchylu znjemóžnjone za multiprocesowy { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
el | Η επιθεώρηση του service worker είναι απενεργοποιημένη αυτήν τη στιγμή για το { -brand-shorter-name } πολλαπλών διεργασιών | 🔍 |
en-CA | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
en-GB | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
en-US | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
eo | Inspekto de service worker estas malaktiva por plurproceza { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
es-AR | La inspección de Service Worker en este momento está deshabilitada para multiproceso { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
es-CL | La inspección de Service Worker no está habilitada actualmente para { -brand-shorter-name } multiproceso | 🔍 |
es-ES | La inspección de Service Worker está actualmente desactivada para el modo multiproceso de { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
es-MX | La inspección de Service Worker en este momento está deshabilitada para multiproceso { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
et | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
eu | Zerbitzu Langileak ikuskatzea desgaituta dago une honetan prozesu anitzeko { -brand-shorter-name }(e)rako | 🔍 |
fi | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
fr | L’inspection du Service Worker est actuellement désactivée pour le mode multiprocessus de { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
fur | Pal moment la ispezion dal Service Worker e je disativade pe version multiprocès di { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
fy-NL | Service Worker-ynspeksje is op dit stuit útskeakele foar multiproses-{ -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
gd | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
gl | A inspección do traballador de servizo está actualmente desactivada para multiproceso { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
gn | Service Worker ñemoinge ko’ág̃a ndoikói multiproceso { -brand-shorter-name } peg̃uarã | 🔍 |
he | חקירת Service Worker מושבתת כרגע עבור { -brand-shorter-name } מרובה תהליכים | 🔍 |
hr | Provjera service workera je trenutačno deaktivirana za višeprocesni { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
hsb | Přepruwowanje service worker je tuchwilu znjemóžnjene za multiprocesowy { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
hu | A Service Worker ellenőrzés jelenleg le van tiltva a többfolyamatos { -brand-shorter-name }ban. | 🔍 |
hy-AM | Սպասարկման աշխատողի ստուգումը ներկայումս բազմամշակման համար անջատված է { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
hye | Սպասարկիչի ստուգումը ներկայումս անջատուած է բազմագործառութային համար { -brand-shorter-name }֊ի համար։ | 🔍 |
ia | Le inspection de obreros de servicio es actualmente disactivate pro le modo multiprocesso de { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
id | Inspeksi Service Worker saat ini dinonaktifkan untuk { -brand-shorter-name } multiproses | 🔍 |
it | L’analisi di service worker è attualmente disattivata in { -brand-shorter-name } multiprocesso. | 🔍 |
ja | Service Worker の調査は、現在のマルチプロセス { -brand-shorter-name } では無効化されています。 | 🔍 |
ja-JP-mac | Service Worker の調査は、現在のマルチプロセス { -brand-shorter-name } では無効化されています。 | 🔍 |
ka | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
kab | Aswaḍ n umeẓlu Worker yensa akka tura deg uskar agentakala n { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
kk | Service Worker бақылау қазір көппроцестік { -brand-shorter-name } үшін сөндірілген | 🔍 |
ko | Service Worker 검사가 현재 다중 프로세스 { -brand-shorter-name }에 대해 비활성화되어 있습니다. | 🔍 |
lo | ການກວດສອບ Service Worker ແມ່ນຖືກປິດໃຊ້ງານສໍາລັບ multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
lt | Aptarnavimo scenarijų paleidimas daugiaprocesėje „{ -brand-shorter-name }“ šiuo metu išjungtas | 🔍 |
meh | La inspección de Service Worker ntañu'u íyo deshabilitada para multiproceso { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
nb-NO | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
nl | Service Worker-inspectie is momenteel uitgeschakeld voor multiproces-{ -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
nn-NO | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
oc | L’inspector Service Worker es actualament desactivat pel mòde multiprocessús de { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
pl | Badanie wątków usługowych jest obecnie wyłączone w programie { -brand-shorter-name } z obsługą wielu procesów | 🔍 |
pt-BR | Inspeção de service worker no momento está desativada para multiprocessamento do { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
pt-PT | A inspeção de Service Worker está atualmente desativada para o { -brand-shorter-name } multi-processos | 🔍 |
rm | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
ro | Inspecția scripturilor Service Worker este în prezent dezactivată pentru multiprocesul { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
ru | Отладка Service Worker сейчас отключена для мультипроцессного { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
sat | Service Worker inspection ᱫᱚ ᱱᱤᱛᱚᱜ ᱟᱭᱢᱟᱠᱟᱹᱢᱤᱦᱚᱨᱟ { -brand-shorter-name } ᱞᱟᱹᱜᱤᱫ ᱵᱚᱸᱫ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ | 🔍 |
sk | Preskúmanie skriptov typu worker je pre multiprocesový prehliadač { -brand-shorter-name } zakázané | 🔍 |
skr | سروس ورکر دا معائنہ فی الحال ملٹی پروسیس { -brand-shorter-name } کیتے غیر فعال ہے | 🔍 |
sl | Pregled service workerjev je trenutno onemogočen za večprocesni { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
sq | Inspektimi i Service Worker-it është aktualisht i çaktivizuar për { -brand-shorter-name } multiproces | 🔍 |
sr | Service Worker inspection is currently disabled for multiprocess { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
sv-SE | Inspektion av Service Worker är för närvarande inaktiverad för { -brand-shorter-name } med multiprocess | 🔍 |
szl | Badanie Serwise Workers je aktualnie zastawiōne do aplikacyje { -brand-shorter-name } z ôbsugōm mocki procesōw | 🔍 |
tg | Дар айни ҳол коргузори хизматрасонӣ барои серраванди «{ -brand-shorter-name }» ғайрифаъол аст | 🔍 |
th | การตรวจสอบ Service Worker ถูกปิดใช้งานอยู่สำหรับ { -brand-shorter-name } แบบมัลติโพรเซสในขณะนี้ | 🔍 |
tl | Kasalukuyang naka-disable ang Service Worker inspection para sa multiprocess na { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
tr | Çok işlemli { -brand-shorter-name } için Service Worker denetleme özelliği şimdilik devre dışıdır | 🔍 |
uk | Service Worker inspection зараз вимкнено для багатопроцесного { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
vi | Trình kiểm tra Service Worker hiện đang bị vô hiệu hóa cho đa xử lý { -brand-shorter-name } | 🔍 |
zh-CN | Service Worker 检查功能目前在多进程 { -brand-shorter-name } 下暂时无法使用 | 🔍 |
zh-TW | 多程序的 { -brand-shorter-name } 目前暫時無法使用 Service Worker 檢測 | 🔍 |
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