
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be Прагрэс: крок { $current } з { $total } 🔍
br Araokadur: pazenn { $current } diwar { $total } 🔍
ca Progrés: pas { $current } de { $total } 🔍
cs Postup: krok { $current } z { $total } 🔍
cy Cynnydd: cam { $current } o { $total } 🔍
da Status: Skridt { $current } af { $total } 🔍
de Fortschritt: Schritt { $current } von { $total } 🔍
dsb Póstup: kšac { $current } z { $total } 🔍
el Πρόοδος: βήμα { $current } από { $total } 🔍
en-CA Progress: step { $current } of { $total } 🔍
en-GB Progress: step { $current } of { $total } 🔍
en-US Progress: step { $current } of { $total } 🔍
eo Progreso: paŝo { $current } de { $total } 🔍
es-AR Progreso: paso { $current } de { $total } 🔍
es-CL Progreso: paso { $current } de { $total } 🔍
es-ES Progreso: paso { $current } de { $total } 🔍
eu Aurrerapena: { $total } / { $current } 🔍
fi Edistyminen: vaihe { $current }/{ $total } 🔍
fr Progression : étape { $current } sur { $total } 🔍
fur Avanzament: pas { $current } di { $total } 🔍
fy-NL Fuortgong: stap { $current } fan { $total } 🔍
gl Progreso: paso { $current } de { $total } 🔍
gn Jeku’e: jeguata { $current } { $total } rehegua 🔍
he התקדמות: שלב { $current } מתוך { $total } 🔍
hr Napredak: korak { $current } od { $total } 🔍
hsb Postup: krok { $current } z { $total } 🔍
hu Haladás: { $current }. / { $total } lépés 🔍
hy-AM Ընթացքը. քայլ { $current }՝ { $total }-ից 🔍
ia Progresso: passo { $current } de { $total } 🔍
id Kemajuan: langkah { $current } dari { $total } 🔍
is Framvinda: skref { $current } af { $total } 🔍
it Avanzamento: passo { $current } di { $total } 🔍
ja 進捗: ステップ { $current } / { $total } 🔍
ja-JP-mac 進捗: ステップ { $current } / { $total } 🔍
ka წინსვლა: ნაბიჯი { $current }, სულ { $total } 🔍
kab Asesfar:takkayt { $current } n { $total } 🔍
kk Орындалу барысы: қадам { $current }, { $total } ішінен 🔍
ko 진행률: { $current } / { $total } 단계 🔍
lv Progress: solis { $current } no { $total } 🔍
nb-NO Fremdrift: trinn { $current } av { $total } 🔍
nl Voortgang: stap { $current } van { $total } 🔍
nn-NO Framdrift: steg { $current } av { $total } 🔍
oc Progression : etapa { $current } de { $total } 🔍
pa-IN ਤਰੱਕੀ: { $total } ਵਿੱਚੋਂ { $current } ਪੜਾਅ 🔍
pt-BR Progresso: etapa { $current } de { $total } 🔍
pt-PT Progresso: passo { $current } de { $total } 🔍
rm Progress: pass { $current } da { $total } 🔍
ru Прогресс: шаг { $current } из { $total } 🔍
sc Progressu: passu { $current } de { $total } 🔍
sk Priebeh: krok { $current } z { $total } 🔍
skr پیش رفت: مرحلہ { $current } دا { $total } 🔍
sl Napredek: korak { $current } od { $total } 🔍
sq Ecuri: hapi { $current } nga { $total } gjithsej 🔍
sv-SE Framsteg: steg { $current } av { $total } 🔍
tg Пешравӣ: қадами { $current } аз { $total } 🔍
th ความคืบหน้า: ขั้นตอนที่ { $current } จาก { $total } 🔍
tr İlerleme: adım { $current } / { $total } 🔍
uk Перебіг: крок { $current } з { $total } 🔍
vi Tiến trình: bước { $current } của { $total } 🔍
zh-CN 进度:第 { $current } 步,共 { $total } 步 🔍
zh-TW 進度:第 { $current } 步,共 { $total } 步 🔍
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