
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be Адкрыць { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
cy Agor { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
de { -firefoxview-brand-name } öffnen 🔍
dsb { -firefoxview-brand-name } wócyniś 🔍
el Άνοιγμα { -firefoxview-brand-name(case: "gen") } 🔍
en-GB Open { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
en-US Open { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
es-AR Abrir { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
es-MX Abrir { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
fr Ouvrir { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
he פתיחת { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
hsb { -firefoxview-brand-name } wočinić 🔍
hu A { -firefoxview-brand-name } megnyitása 🔍
ia Aperir { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
it Apri { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
kab Mdel { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
kk { -firefoxview-brand-name } ашу 🔍
ko { -firefoxview-brand-name } 열기 🔍
nn-NO Opne { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
pt-BR Abrir { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
ru Открыть { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
sk Otvoriť { -firefoxview-brand-name(case: "acc") } 🔍
skr { -firefoxview-brand-name } کھولو 🔍
sq Hap { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
sv-SE Öppna { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
tr { -firefoxview-brand-name }’u aç 🔍
uk Відкрити { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
vi Mở { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
zh-CN 打开 { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
zh-TW 開啟 { -firefoxview-brand-name } 🔍
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