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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
{ -brand-name-opera } と { -brand-name-firefox } は、実用性の比較では拮抗します。{ -brand-name-opera } は、{ -brand-name-chrome } の膨大な拡張機能のライブラリとの互換性とアクセスという部分では優位かもしれません。ただし、留意すべき点として、{ -brand-name-opera } は { -brand-name-chromium } で構築されているため、CPU 使用量が多いことで知られる { -brand-name-chrome } と同じく RAM を大量に消費し、プロセッサーに負荷をかけるブラウザーとなっています。
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