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Also, when you sign up for a { -brand-name-mozilla-account }, you get access to unique services like <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> that integrate directly into the browser. The { -brand-name-pocket } for { -brand-name-firefox } button lets you save web pages and videos to { -brand-name-pocket } in just one click, so you can read a clean, distraction-free version whenever and wherever you want — even offline.
Avei, eñemboheraguapývo { -brand-name-mozilla-account } mba’etépe, eikekuaáta mba’eporukuéra ha’éva <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> ojuajúva ne kundahára rehe. Pe votõ { -brand-name-pocket } { -brand-name-firefox } peg̃uarã omoneĩ eñongatúvo ñanduti kuatiarogue ha ta’ãngamýi { -brand-name-pocket }-pe peteĩ jekutúpente, emoñe’ẽkuaa hag̃uáicha apañuãi’ỹ rehe eime eimehápe, ejapose vove, jepémo eime ñanduti’ỹre.
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