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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • whatsnew • whatsnew-account.ftl
The { -brand-name-firefox } browser collects so little data about you, we don’t even require your email address. But when you use it to create a { -brand-name-mozilla-account }, you get access to a whole array of privacy-protecting products in addition to { -brand-name-firefox }.
Wobglědowak { -brand-name-firefox } tak mało datow wó was gromaźi, njetrjebamy teke wašu e-mailowu adresu. Ale, gaž ju wužywaśo, aby konto { -brand-name-mozilla-account } załožył, dostanjośo pśistup k cełej kopicy priwatnosć šćitajucych produktow pśidatnje k { -brand-name-firefox }.
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