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{ -brand-name-opera } provides a lot of hidden utility within its simple and manageable interface. For example there’s built-in support for messaging apps, like { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. There’s also a news reader that aggregates articles from your choice of sites and news outlets. The parallel feature to this on { -brand-name-firefox } is called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } is a free service for { -brand-name-firefox } account holders that makes it easy to find and save interesting articles and videos from all around the web. In addition, it recommends a variety of articles that expand your knowledge base curated by real, thoughtful humans.
{ -brand-name-opera } k'o k'ïy ewan rusamaj chupam ri ruk'amal, ri man k'ayew ta chuqa' tikirel nisamajïx. Achi'el k'o tz'aqatisan taq kito'ik ruchokoy tzijob'äl, achi'el { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. K'o jun rusik'ob'äl rutzijol, ri yerutz'aqatisaj taq na'oj akuchi' yecha' taq ruxaq chuqa' taq kixe'el rutzijol. Ri junam rub'anikil pa { -brand-name-firefox } oyon <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } jun sipan samaj kichin e rajaw kib'i' taq rutaqoya'l { -brand-name-firefox } ri man k'ayew ta nub'än richin yerïl chuqa' yeruyäk jeb'ël taq na'oj, taq silowäch e k'o pan ajk'amaya'l. Chuqa' nutz'aqatisaj, toq nuchilab'ej jalajöj taq na'oj, ri nunimirisaj ri etamab'äl, eb'anon kuma qitzij chuqa' na'owinäq taq winäq.
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