
Displaying 2 results for the string This password has been used on another account that was likely in a data breach. Reusing credentials puts all your accounts at risk. Change this password. in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutLogins.ftl
This password has been used on another account that was likely in a data breach. Reusing credentials puts all your accounts at risk. Change this password.
This password has been used on another account that was likely in a data breach. Reusing credentials puts all your accounts at risk. Change this password.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • password-manager-2023.ftl
Image of the { -brand-name-firefox } password manager displaying an alert message that reads “This password has been used on another account that was likely in a data breach. Reusing credentials puts all your accounts at risk. Change this password.
Image of the { -brand-name-firefox } password manager displaying an alert message that reads “This password has been used on another account that was likely in a data breach. Reusing credentials puts all your accounts at risk. Change this password.
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