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Displaying 34 results for the string See the in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales firefox_ios • firefox-ios.xliff
See the web in the best light.
See the web in the best light.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • colorways.ftl
You see the world differently and your creations stir the emotions of others.
You see the world differently and your creations stir the emotions of others.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • newtab • onboarding.ftl
<b>You are an Expressionist.</b> You see the world differently and your creations stir the emotions of others.
<b>You are an Expressionist.</b> You see the world differently and your creations stir the emotions of others.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • shopping.ftl
Give Review Checker a try whenever you see the price tag. Get insights from real shoppers quickly — before you buy.
Give Review Checker a try whenever you see the price tag. Get insights from real shoppers quickly — before you buy.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • shopping.ftl
Get back to <strong>Review Checker</strong> whenever you see the price tag.
Get back to <strong>Review Checker</strong> whenever you see the price tag.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • featuregates • features.ftl
Enables support for the experimental CSS Masonry Layout feature. See the <a data-l10n-name="explainer">explainer</a> for a high level description of the feature. To provide feedback, please comment in <a data-l10n-name="w3c-issue">this GitHub issue</a> or <a data-l10n-name="bug">this bug</a>.
Enables support for the experimental CSS Masonry Layout feature. See the <a data-l10n-name="explainer">explainer</a> for a high level description of the feature. To provide feedback, please comment in <a data-l10n-name="w3c-issue">this GitHub issue</a> or <a data-l10n-name="bug">this bug</a>.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • pdfviewer • viewer.ftl
Alt text (alternative text) helps when people can’t see the image or when it doesn’t load.
Alt text (alternative text) helps when people can’t see the image or when it doesn’t load.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • pdfviewer • viewer.ftl
Suggests descriptions to help people who can’t see the image or when the image doesn’t load.
Suggests descriptions to help people who can’t see the image or when the image doesn’t load.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • pdfviewer • viewer.ftl
Short description for people who can’t see the image or when the image doesn’t load.
Short description for people who can’t see the image or when the image doesn’t load.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is offering something new to keep you safe: <a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>. It’s a free service that will alert you if there are any public hacks on your accounts and let you know if your accounts got hacked in the past. Another neat feature is the Green Lock. It looks like a small green icon at the top left side of the browser window. If you’re on { -brand-name-firefox } and see the green lock, it means the website is encrypted and secure. If the lock is grey, you might want to think twice about entering any sensitive information.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is offering something new to keep you safe: <a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>. It’s a free service that will alert you if there are any public hacks on your accounts and let you know if your accounts got hacked in the past. Another neat feature is the Green Lock. It looks like a small green icon at the top left side of the browser window. If you’re on { -brand-name-firefox } and see the green lock, it means the website is encrypted and secure. If the lock is grey, you might want to think twice about entering any sensitive information.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images and video are transmitted on the web. This information needs to be shared and displayed in a consistent format so that people using any browser, anywhere in the world can see the information.
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images and video are transmitted on the web. This information needs to be shared and displayed in a consistent format so that people using any browser, anywhere in the world can see the information.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • mobile • ios.ftl
Open a new tab in { -brand-name-firefox } to see the sites you visit most, your recent bookmarks and popular articles in { -brand-name-pocket }. { -brand-name-firefox } gives you quick access to your most recently used sites to help you get where you’re going faster.
Open a new tab in { -brand-name-firefox } to see the sites you visit most, your recent bookmarks and popular articles in { -brand-name-pocket }. { -brand-name-firefox } gives you quick access to your most recently used sites to help you get where you’re going faster.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • history.ftl
For more information about { -brand-name-mozilla }’s history, see the following:
For more information about { -brand-name-mozilla }’s history, see the following:
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • features.ftl
We’ve been audited by Cure53, a leading cybersecurity auditing firm. <a { $report }>See the report here</a>.
We’ve been audited by Cure53, a leading cybersecurity auditing firm. <a { $report }>See the report here</a>.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • ip-address.ftl
Every time you are on the internet, IP addresses are playing an essential role in the information exchange to help you see the sites you are requesting. Yet, there is a chance you don’t know what one is, so we are breaking down the most commonly asked questions below.
Every time you are on the internet, IP addresses are playing an essential role in the information exchange to help you see the sites you are requesting. Yet, there is a chance you don’t know what one is, so we are breaking down the most commonly asked questions below.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • ip-address.ftl
You don’t need to hide your IP address, but there are some times where you may want to. The most common reason is privacy. In the U.S., <a href="{ $congress }">Congress overruled</a> privacy regulations designed to protect the privacy of broadband users. Internet service providers can see your browsing habits, what you are using the internet for, and how long you spend on each page. This communication is not encrypted, so third-parties can see what website you’re visiting. One way to combat this is <a href="{ $doh }">DNS-over-HTTPS</a> (DoH). This encrypts your DNS (Domain Name System) traffic, making it harder for ISPs to see the websites you are trying to visit. For US <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-firefox } users</a>, by default your DoH queries are directed to trusted DNS servers, making it harder to associate you with the websites you try to visit.
You don’t need to hide your IP address, but there are some times where you may want to. The most common reason is privacy. In the U.S., <a href="{ $congress }">Congress overruled</a> privacy regulations designed to protect the privacy of broadband users. Internet service providers can see your browsing habits, what you are using the internet for, and how long you spend on each page. This communication is not encrypted, so third-parties can see what website you’re visiting. One way to combat this is <a href="{ $doh }">DNS-over-HTTPS</a> (DoH). This encrypts your DNS (Domain Name System) traffic, making it harder for ISPs to see the websites you are trying to visit. For US <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-firefox } users</a>, by default your DoH queries are directed to trusted DNS servers, making it harder to associate you with the websites you try to visit.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and you’ve settled down on a park bench to sip a coffee and catch up on your favorite news sites, watch a few videos and do some quick online shopping while getting sun and fresh air. Rather than draining your allotted mobile data, you hop onto your city’s public WiFi service. It’s free, and run by the city, so it must be ok, right? The fact is, you can’t be certain the municipal network is secure or even real (see the next point) and set up to protect you from malicious people or entities spying on you while you’re connected. Turning on a VPN can help protect your device from anyone who tries to snoop on the sites you’re visiting or hijack your sensitive login information while you’re kicked back on that park bench any day of the week.
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and you’ve settled down on a park bench to sip a coffee and catch up on your favorite news sites, watch a few videos and do some quick online shopping while getting sun and fresh air. Rather than draining your allotted mobile data, you hop onto your city’s public WiFi service. It’s free, and run by the city, so it must be ok, right? The fact is, you can’t be certain the municipal network is secure or even real (see the next point) and set up to protect you from malicious people or entities spying on you while you’re connected. Turning on a VPN can help protect your device from anyone who tries to snoop on the sites you’re visiting or hijack your sensitive login information while you’re kicked back on that park bench any day of the week.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • android.ftl
With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, you can set your { -brand-name-android } phone’s location to one of { $countries }+ countries. That means you see the web like a local from the country you’re connected through. It’s a fun and interesting way to experience the web from a new perspective.
With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, you can set your { -brand-name-android } phone’s location to one of { $countries }+ countries. That means you see the web like a local from the country you’re connected through. It’s a fun and interesting way to experience the web from a new perspective.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Omit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.
Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Omit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Omit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.
Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Omit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Omit <state> to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close ChatZilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.
Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Omit <state> to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close ChatZilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|.
Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Omit <toggle> to see the current state.
Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Omit <toggle> to see the current state.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).
This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • about.dtd
See the
See the
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-http.dtd
HTTP connections may be fine-tuned using these options to enhance either performance or compatibility. Some proxy servers, for example, are known to require HTTP/1.0 (see the release notes for details).
HTTP connections may be fine-tuned using these options to enhance either performance or compatibility. Some proxy servers, for example, are known to require HTTP/1.0 (see the release notes for details).
Entity # all locales suite • installer • windows •
Press Page Down to see the rest of the agreement.
Press Page Down to see the rest of the agreement.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
%S is not a supported command. Type /help to see the list of commands.
%S is not a supported command. Type /help to see the list of commands.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • accountcreation • accountSetup.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } can allow you to get to your mail using the provided configurations. However, you should contact your administrator or email provider regarding these improper connections. See the <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Thunderbird FAQ</a> for more information.
{ -brand-short-name } can allow you to get to your mail using the provided configurations. However, you should contact your administrator or email provider regarding these improper connections. See the <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Thunderbird FAQ</a> for more information.
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
You must turn off your VPN in order to see the portal, and turn it back on once you have logged in.
You must turn off your VPN in order to see the portal, and turn it back on once you have logged in.
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to requires action. Click to turn off VPN to see the portal.
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to requires action. Click to turn off VPN to see the portal.
Please enable JavaScript. Some features won't be available without it.