
Displaying 18 results for the string I n in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-navigator.dtd
Only restore tabs when I need them
Only restore tabs when I need them
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • security •
Redirecting to data: URI not allowed (Blocked loading of: “%1$S”)
Redirecting to data: URI not allowed (Blocked loading of: “%1$S”)
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • security •
Navigation to toplevel data: URI not allowed (Blocked loading of: “%1$S”)
Navigation to toplevel data: URI not allowed (Blocked loading of: “%1$S”)
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • abuseReports.ftl
I never wanted it and don’t know how to get rid of it
I never wanted it and don’t know how to get rid of it
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • vpn-or-proxy.ftl
A proxy is useful when you’re browsing the web on a public WiFi. When a proxy is enabled, it will stop eavesdroppers on the same network from spying on your browsing activity or reading your transactions on unencrypted sites. It sounds harmless, but public WiFi networks can be like a backdoor for <a href="{ $url }">hackers</a>.
A proxy is useful when you’re browsing the web on a public WiFi. When a proxy is enabled, it will stop eavesdroppers on the same network from spying on your browsing activity or reading your transactions on unencrypted sites. It sounds harmless, but public WiFi networks can be like a backdoor for <a href="{ $url }">hackers</a>.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • what-is-a-vpn.ftl
Connecting to a public WiFi network is at times convenient, like when you’re without internet service or can’t get any bars on your phone. On the other hand, connecting to public WiFi can be a risky endeavor. It’s impossible to be sure that someone else isn’t connecting to the same network to snoop on what you’re doing. Even if your traffic is encrypted they can still see which sites you are visiting. And if you’re using an app that doesn’t have encryption — and even today, many don’t — then they can see everything you are doing.
Connecting to a public WiFi network is at times convenient, like when you’re without internet service or can’t get any bars on your phone. On the other hand, connecting to public WiFi can be a risky endeavor. It’s impossible to be sure that someone else isn’t connecting to the same network to snoop on what you’re doing. Even if your traffic is encrypted they can still see which sites you are visiting. And if you’re using an app that doesn’t have encryption — and even today, many don’t — then they can see everything you are doing.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • what-is-a-vpn.ftl
Protecting your connection to a public WiFi network, like at a cafe, airport, store or library.
Protecting your connection to a public WiFi network, like at a cafe, airport, store or library.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
Have you ever connected to a hotspot called something like <em>C0MCAST-WiFi-77th-St</em> or <em>Verizon3-Hotspot-Baltimore</em>? Looks legit, right? Not so fast. In reality, anyone can set up a phony public WiFi with a legitimate sounding name to lure people to use it. Connecting to any unknown WiFi makes you an easy target for creeps and criminals who want to access your device to steal private information, install malware or worse. <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> can boost your security any time you’re connected to a public WiFi by blocking unknown entities from seeing private data that travels from your phone or laptop. This goes for connecting to WiFi networks at coffee shops, stores, doctor’s offices and so on.
Have you ever connected to a hotspot called something like <em>C0MCAST-WiFi-77th-St</em> or <em>Verizon3-Hotspot-Baltimore</em>? Looks legit, right? Not so fast. In reality, anyone can set up a phony public WiFi with a legitimate sounding name to lure people to use it. Connecting to any unknown WiFi makes you an easy target for creeps and criminals who want to access your device to steal private information, install malware or worse. <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> can boost your security any time you’re connected to a public WiFi by blocking unknown entities from seeing private data that travels from your phone or laptop. This goes for connecting to WiFi networks at coffee shops, stores, doctor’s offices and so on.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • when-to-use-a-vpn.ftl
Open WiFi abounds when you’re on the go, from networked buses to hotspots in train stations to the free airport internet. And no matter how secure they seem to be, treat these WiFi hotspots with care and suspicion. Many of us will use these free connections at times for convenience, yet all the same risks outlined in this article apply to any open, unverified WiFi network. Using a VPN can help protect your identity, file transfers and online activities from bad actors attempting to spy on you through the same WiFi network.
Open WiFi abounds when you’re on the go, from networked buses to hotspots in train stations to the free airport internet. And no matter how secure they seem to be, treat these WiFi hotspots with care and suspicion. Many of us will use these free connections at times for convenience, yet all the same risks outlined in this article apply to any open, unverified WiFi network. Using a VPN can help protect your identity, file transfers and online activities from bad actors attempting to spy on you through the same WiFi network.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • android_v2.ftl
Your personal data being stolen when using a public Wi-Fi network.
Your personal data being stolen when using a public Wi-Fi network.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • ios_v2.ftl
<strong>Protecting your personal data:</strong> When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, such as at a coffee shop or airport, your network traffic can be intercepted and inspected by hackers or malicious actors. With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, you can encrypt your data and prevent anyone from snooping on your online activity.
<strong>Protecting your personal data:</strong> When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, such as at a coffee shop or airport, your network traffic can be intercepted and inspected by hackers or malicious actors. With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, you can encrypt your data and prevent anyone from snooping on your online activity.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • ipad.ftl
<strong>Feel safe using public Wi-Fi:</strong> When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, such as at a coffee shop or airport, your data might be able to be intercepted by hackers or malicious actors. With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, your data is encrypted to prevent anyone from snooping on your online activity.
<strong>Feel safe using public Wi-Fi:</strong> When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, such as at a coffee shop or airport, your data might be able to be intercepted by hackers or malicious actors. With { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }, your data is encrypted to prevent anyone from snooping on your online activity.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mobile_v2.ftl
Why do I need a VPN for Mobile?
Why do I need a VPN for Mobile?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • windows_v2.ftl
Using a Windows device on a public, unsecured Wi-Fi network makes your internet traffic information more vulnerable to network spies, and a VPN can help you keep your data private by adding a strong layer of protection.
Using a Windows device on a public, unsecured Wi-Fi network makes your internet traffic information more vulnerable to network spies, and a VPN can help you keep your data private by adding a strong layer of protection.
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
Get notified if you connect to an unsecured Wi-Fi network
Get notified if you connect to an unsecured Wi-Fi network
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to requires action. Click to turn off VPN to see the portal.
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to requires action. Click to turn off VPN to see the portal.
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to may not be secure. Click to turn on VPN to secure your device.
The guest Wi-Fi network you’re connected to may not be secure. Click to turn on VPN to secure your device.
Entity # all locales vpn_client • mozillavpn.xliff
Unsecured Wi-Fi network detected
Unsecured Wi-Fi network detected
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