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The heart of { -brand-name-mozilla } is people. We put people first and do our best to recognize, appreciate and respect the diversity of our global contributors. The { -brand-name-mozilla } Project welcomes contributions from everyone who shares our goals and wants to contribute in a healthy and constructive manner within our community. As such, we have adopted this code of conduct and require all those who participate to agree and adhere to these Community Participation Guidelines in order to help us create a safe and positive community experience for all.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } 以人為本。我們將人擺在第一位,盡最大的努力去認識、欣賞和尊重全球貢獻者的各種不同特質。{ -brand-name-mozilla } 計畫歡迎有相同目標,且希望在社群中以健康而有建設性的方式進行貢獻的任何人所做的貢獻。因此,我們特別編製這份行為守則,並要求所有參與者同意並遵循此準則,一同營造出安全且正面的社群體驗。
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