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While these guidelines / code of conduct are specifically aimed at { -brand-name-mozilla }’s work and community, we recognize that it is possible for actions taken outside of { -brand-name-mozilla }’s online or in person spaces to have a deep impact on community health. (For example, in the past, we publicly identified an anonymous posting aimed at a { -brand-name-mozilla } employee in a non-{ -brand-name-mozilla } forum as clear grounds for removal from the { -brand-name-mozilla } community.) This is an active topic in the diversity and inclusion realm. We anticipate wide-ranging discussions among our communities about appropriate boundaries.
雖然這些準則/行為守則是專門針對 { -brand-name-mozilla } 的工作和社群,不過我們也承認在 { -brand-name-mozilla } 的網上或個人空間以外所採取的行動,也可能會對社群的健康產生深遠影響。(例如:我們過去曾經將某個非 { -brand-name-mozilla } 論壇上針對 { -brand-name-mozilla } 員工的匿名公開貼文,作為要求其退出 { -brand-name-mozilla } 社群的明確理由。)這是多樣性和包容性領域的重要課題。我們預期社群也將會廣泛地討論出一個適當的界限。
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