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Misinformation, disinformation – you’ve probably heard these terms in the past and wondered if and how they differ in meaning. It’s the intention that distinguishes them: Misinformation is any type of false information that people might fall for. It’s verifiably incorrect or misleading but hasn’t been created or shared with the intention to deceive people. Disinformation, on the other hand, is created and spread in order to misinform and reach a certain goal.
錯誤資訊、不實資訊 – 您可能聽過這些詞彙,想知道它們的意思有什麼差異。兩者的差異在於這個訊息目的:錯誤資訊是人們可能會誤信的資訊,可以驗證是否屬實或有沒有誤導性,但本身並不是要為了欺騙他人。而假訊息與此不同,一開始就是為了製造和散佈錯誤資訊並達到特定目的。
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