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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • private-browsing-2023.ftl
Private browsing mode will not delete any new bookmarks you make from a private browsing window, or protect you from malware or viruses. It also doesn’t prevent the websites you visit from seeing where you are physically located or stop your internet service provider from logging what you do. You’ll need a <a href="{ $vpn }">trustworthy VPN</a> for that.
隱私瀏覽模式不會清除您在隱私瀏覽視窗中建立的書籤,也無法保護您不受惡意軟體與病毒的騷擾,或是防止您造訪的網站得知您實際所在地點,甚或是網路業者紀錄您的行為。為此您需要有一套<a href="{ $vpn }">值得信賴的 VPN</a>。
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