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Websites save information about you in files called <a href="{ $cookies }">cookies</a>. They are saved on your computer for the next time you visit that site. Upon your return, the website code will read that file to see that it’s you. For example, when you go to a website, the page remembers your username and password – that’s made possible by a cookie.
網站會將您的個人資訊儲存在 <a href="{ $cookies }">Cookie</a> 檔案中。憑證被儲存在您的電腦上供您下次造訪該網站時使用。您回來時網站程式碼就會讀取檔案來確認是您自己做的。舉例來說當您開啟某個網站時該頁面會記住您的使用者名稱與密碼 — 透過 Cookie 才可以做到這一點。
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