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In the future, the web will likely stray further from its hypertext roots to become a vast sea of interactive experiences. Virtual reality has been on the horizon for decades (at least since the release of Lawnmower Man in 1992 and the Nintendo Virtual Boy in 1995), but the web may finally bring it to the masses. { -brand-name-firefox } now has support for WebVR and A-Frame, which let developers quickly and easily build virtual reality websites. Most modern mobile devices support WebVR, and can easily be used as headsets with simple cardboard cases. A 3D virtual reality web like the one imagined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson may be just around the corner. If that’s the case, the web browser itself may completely disappear and become a true window into another world.
在未來,網路環境可能會脫胎自原始的超文字,提供各種不同而廣闊的互動式體驗。虛擬實境已經出現了幾十年(自 1992 年的 Lawnmower Man 與 1995 年的任天堂 Virtual Boy 起算),但網路可能使其被大眾所接受。{ -brand-name-firefox } 已經支援了 WebVR 與 A-Frame,可讓開發者快速而簡單地打造虛擬實境網站。現代的大多數行動裝置都支援 WebVR,可以將手機插入簡單的卡紙盒中,成為 VR 眼鏡。由科幻小說家 Neal Stephenson 所描繪的 3D 虛擬實境網頁可能已經離我們不遠。如果是這樣的話,網頁瀏覽器可能會融入為另一個世界的真實入口。
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