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Entity en-US zh-TW
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • aboutRights.ftl
{ -brand-full-name } uses web-based information services (“Services”) to provide some of the features provided for your use with this binary version of { -brand-short-name } under the terms described below. If you do not want to use one or more of the Services or the terms below are unacceptable, you may disable the feature or Service(s). Instructions on how to disable a particular feature or Service may be found <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">here</a>. Other features and Services can be disabled in the application settings.
{ -brand-full-name } 依照下列方式使用以網頁為基礎的資訊(以下簡稱「服務」)以在此二進位版本的 { -brand-short-name } 提供某些功能。如果您不想使用當中一或多個服務或不願意接受以下的服務條款,您可以停用這些功能或服務。停用某種特定功能或服務的方式可以在<a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">這裡</a>找到,其它功能與服務可在應用程式設定中停用。
Please enable JavaScript. Some features won't be available without it.