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The sender encrypted this message to you using one of your digital certificates, however %brand% was not able to find this certificate and corresponding private key. <br> Possible solutions: <br><ul><li>If you have a smartcard, please insert it now. <li>If you are using a new machine, or if you are using a new %brand% profile, you will need to restore your certificate and private key from a backup. Certificate backups usually end in ".p12".</ul>
发件人对此消息使用了您的某个数字证书进行了加密。但是 %brand% 无法找到该证书以及对应的私钥。 <br> 可能的解决方法: <br><ul><li>如果您有智能卡,请现在插入。<li>如果您使用的是新计算机,或者您使用的是新的 %brand% 配置文件,您需要从您的备份数据恢复您的证书以及私钥。证书备份文件的后缀名一般为 ".p12"。</ul>\u0020
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