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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • windows_v2.ftl
Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. As a result, Windows devices are usually highly targeted by hackers and may be especially vulnerable if you don’t take proper precautions. You can protect your digital life by using a VPN to encrypt your online activity, as well as some other steps such as, keeping your software up to date, creating unique and strong passwords, and using { -brand-name-relay } masks to keep your email protected.
Windows 是使用非常广泛的操作系统。这导致用户如果不做足防护,就很容易成为骇客的目标。您可以使用 VPN 来加密自己的在线活动,从而保护自己的数字生活。此外还有一些窍门,例如保持软件版本最新、使用独一无二的强密码,还有使用 { -brand-name-relay } 马甲邮箱来保护自己的真实邮箱。
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