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Entity en zh-CN
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • android.ftl
We’re best known for our web browser, { -brand-name-firefox }, but { -brand-name-mozilla } as a larger organization has a core mission — to fight for your rights online. It’s what we’ve done all along, since 1998. We’re the advocates of the internet, committed to making sure it stays open and free while respecting everyone’s right to privacy and security.
我们因 Web 浏览器 { -brand-name-firefox } 最广为人知,但是,{ -brand-name-mozilla } 作为一个大型组织,其核心使命是为您的在线权利而战。我们是互联网的倡导者,致力于确保互联网保持开放与自由,同时尊重每个人的隐私权和安全权。
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