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As more of daily life takes place across internet connections, privacy and security issues become even more important. A VPN — <a href="{ $vpn }">Virtual Private Network</a> — can help anyone create a secure, private connection to the internet. It works by creating a secure “tunnel” between your device and the internet at large, and it protects you in two important ways:
随着越来越多的日常生活发生在互联网连接中,隐私和安全问题变得更加重要。 VPN(<a href="{ $vpn }">虚拟专用网络</a> )可以帮助任何人创建安全、私密的互联网连接。它的工作原理是在您的设备和整个互联网之间创建一个安全的“隧道”,并以两种重要的方式保护您:
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