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A VPN provides an important security link by protecting your private data before it travels over the internet, and it also conceals your IP address, helping to protect your identity and location. It won’t, however, prevent you from things like clicking on suspicious links, downloading malware or being victimized by email fraud. You still need to practice <a href="{ $book }">good habits to stay safe online</a>.
VPN 通过在您的私人数据通过互联网传输之前保护您的私人数据来提供重要的安全链接,它还隐藏您的 IP 地址,帮助保护您的身份和位置。但是,它不会阻止您点击可疑链接、下载恶意软件或成为电子邮件欺诈的受害者。您仍然需要练习<a href="{ $book }">保持在线安全的好习惯</a>。
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