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A VPN will protect traffic that you send between you and your VPN provider, whether through your browser, apps or other services. To set up a VPN, you’ll need to create an account with a VPN provider and install the VPN software on your computer or phone. When enabled, a VPN will handle traffic from all apps and software running on your device, so you can browse and communicate freely over a secure private network connection.
VPN 将保护您与 VPN 提供商之间的流量,无论这些流量是通过浏览器、应用程序还是其他服务产生。要设置 VPN,您需要在 VPN 提供商处创建一个账户,并在您的计算机或手机上安装 VPN 软件。启用后,VPN 将处理您设备上的所有应用程序和软件产生的流量,因此您可以通过安全的专用网络连接自由地浏览和通信。
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