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Social networks know a lot about you. Plus, they’re able to track you beyond their platforms with their Share and Like buttons despite Tracking Protection — even if you don’t have an account. The <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> for { -brand-name-firefox } makes sure that { -brand-name-facebook } and { -brand-name-instagram } can’t do this so easily, which again reduces the probability of seeing misinformation via ads and promoted content significantly.
社交网络十分了解您。即使您没有账户,它们也可以通过其“分享”和“赞”按钮在平台之外跟踪您,即使启用了“跟踪保护”功能也是如此。而 { -brand-name-firefox } 的 <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> 可有效遏制 { -brand-name-facebook } 和 { -brand-name-instagram } 的跟踪活动,进一步降低通过广告和推广内容看到错误信息的可能性。
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