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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
By 1995, { -brand-name-netscape } Navigator wasn’t the only way to get online. Computer software giant { -brand-name-microsoft } licensed the old Mosaic code and built its own window to the web, <a href="{ $ie }">{ -brand-name-ie }</a>. The release sparked a war. { -brand-name-netscape } and { -brand-name-microsoft } worked feverishly to make new versions of their programs, each attempting to outdo the other with faster, better products.
来到 1995 年,{ -brand-name-netscape } Navigator 已不是上网冲浪的唯一选择。计算机软件巨头 { -brand-name-microsoft } 获得了旧版 Mosaic 的代码授权,从而建立了自己的“Web 窗口”—— <a href="{ $ie }">{ -brand-name-ie }</a>。该浏览器的推出引发了战争。{ -brand-name-netscape } 与 { -brand-name-microsoft } 竭力为各自的产品推出新版本,试图以更快、更好的产品来超越对方。
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