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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • vpn-or-proxy.ftl
We’ve done the legwork to ensure that both the <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> and <a href="{ $fpn }">{ -brand-name-firefox-private-network }</a> proxy extension actually respect your privacy, and it’s something we’re willing to stake our reputation on. { -brand-name-mozilla } has a reputation for building products that help you keep your information safe. We follow our easy to read, no-nonsense <a href="{ $principles }">Data Privacy Principles</a> which allow us to focus only on the information we need to provide a service. And since we are backed by a <a href="{ $mission }">mission-driven</a> company, you can trust that the dollars you spend for this product will not only ensure you have a top-notch security, but also are making the internet better for everyone.
Nus ans avain dà gronda fadia per garantir che tant <a href="{ $mozvpn }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> sco era l'extensiun da proxy <a href="{ $fpn }">{ -brand-name-firefox-private-network }</a> respectian propi tia sfera privata. E nus na ristgain betg nunponderadamain nossa reputaziun. { -brand-name-mozilla } ha in bun num ed è enconuschent per concepir products che gidan da proteger tias datas. Nus respectain noss <a href="{ $principles }">princips per la protecziun da datas</a> formulads cler e net senza frasas vidas ch'ans permettan d'ans focussar mo sin las datas che nus duvrain per porscher noss servetschs. Ed essend che nus vegnin sustegnids dad <a href="{ $mission }">ina interpresa cun princips</a>, pos ti ta fidar che nus n'investin ils daners che ti spendas per quest product betg mo per segirezza maximala, mabain era per meglierar l'internet per tuts.
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