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VPNs do more than proxies in that a proxy only protects what you do in your browser, whereas a VPN protects all your traffic, including your browser, wherever you have a VPN installed and enabled. VPNs provide added security and privacy for all your online activity — an important consideration if you want to keep your activity to yourself and make it more difficult for data hungry trackers and ISPs to create a profile of you across all your devices, like your phone, computer and tablet.
VPNs prestan dapli che proxies perquai ch'in proxy protegia mo quai che ti fas en tes navigatur, entant ch'in VPN protegia tes traffic da datas cumplet, inclusivamain tes navigatur, dapertut là nua che ti has in VNP installà ed activà. VPNs porschan dapli segirezza e protecziun da datas per tut tias activitads online – in factur impurtant sche ti vulessas tegnair tias activitads per tatez. Uschia daventi pli difficil per purschiders d'internet e fastizaders engurds da tias datas da crear in profil a basa da tuts tes apparats (sco tes telefonin, computer e tablet).
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