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As more of daily life takes place through the internet, online privacy and security become even more important. A VPN, <a href="{ $url }">Virtual Private Network</a>, can help you create a secure, private connection to the internet. It works by creating a “tunnel” between your device and the internet at large, and it protects you in two important ways:
Essend che l'internet dominescha adina pli fitg nossa vita da mintgadi, daventan era la protecziun da datas e la segirezza online adina pli impurtantas. In <a href="{ $url }">VPN</a>, ina rait virtuala privata, serva per etablir ina connexiun segira e privata cun l'internet. Quella funcziunescha uschia ch'ella creescha in «tunnel» tranter tes apparat e l'internet e ta protegia en dus reguards impurtants:
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