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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy-hub.ftl
Data security is complicated — or at least it should be. Which is why we take the extra steps to classify the data we have, maintain rules for how we store and protect each type, and never stop iterating on our processes. We prioritize your privacy. We invest in it. We’re committed to it. We even teach other companies how to do it.
Igl è cumplitgà da segirar datas – almain duessi esser uschia. Perquai prendain nus mesiras spezialas per classifitgar las datas che nus avain e resguardar las reglas che dian co nus memorisain e protegin mintga tip da datas. E nus optimain permanentamain noss process. La protecziun da tias datas ha prioritad absoluta per nus. Nus investin en quella. Nus ans engaschain per quella. E nus gidain schizunt autras interpresas en quel grà.
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