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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
Social networks know a lot about you. Plus, they’re able to track you beyond their platforms with their Share and Like buttons despite Tracking Protection — even if you don’t have an account. The <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> for { -brand-name-firefox } makes sure that { -brand-name-facebook } and { -brand-name-instagram } can’t do this so easily, which again reduces the probability of seeing misinformation via ads and promoted content significantly.
Las medias socialas san bler da tai. Ultra da quai pon ellas ta suandar schizunt ordaifer lur plattafurmas cun agid da lur buttuns per cundivider e dar in like, malgrà la protecziun cunter fastizaders – perfin sche ti n'has gnanc in conto. Il <a href="{ $container }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container }</a> per { -brand-name-firefox } procura che { -brand-name-facebook } ed { -brand-name-instagram } na vegnan betg pli da ta suandar a moda uschè simpla. Uschia èsi era main probabel che ti fruntas sin infurmaziuns falladas via reclamas e cuntegns sponsurisads.
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