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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
As mentioned before, tracking plays a big role in the spread of misinformation. <a href="{ $firefox }">Using { -brand-name-firefox }</a> with <a href="{ $protection }">Enhanced Tracking Protection</a> helps by blocking third-party trackers from many advertisers and other players by default when you browse the web, so that you gain back control over your online data.
Sco menziunà survart giogan fastizaders ina gronda rolla en la derasaziun dad infurmaziuns falladas. <a href="{ $firefox }">L'utilisaziun da { -brand-name-firefox }</a> cun la <a href="{ $protection }">protecziun avanzada cunter fastizaders</a> gida cun bloccar automaticamain fastizaders da terzas partidas (da bleras fatschentas da reclama e dad autras instanzas) durant che ti navigheschas en il web. Uschia obtegnas ti puspè la controlla da tias datas en l'internet.
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