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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
Nearly all major browsers have a private browsing setting. These exist to hide the browsing history from other users on the same computer. Many people think that private browsing or incognito mode will hide both their identity and browsing history from internet service providers, governments and advertisers. They don’t. These settings just clear the history on your system, which is helpful if you’re dealing with sensitive personal information on a shared or public computer. { -brand-name-firefox } goes beyond that.
Quasi tut ils navigaturs impurtants han ina funcziun per proteger tia sfera privata cura che ti navigheschas en l'internet. Questa funcziun zuppa la cronologia da navigaziun dad auters utilisaders che dovran il medem computer. Blers crajan ch'il modus privat u incognito zuppia tant lur identitad sco era lur cronologia da navigaziun davant ils purschiders d'internet, regenzas e firmas da reclama. Quai n'è betg il cas. Questas funcziuns stizzan mo la cronologia sin tes sistem. Quai è nizzaivel sche ti has da far cun datas sensiblas sin in computer che vegn utilisà da pliras persunas u sin in computer public. { -brand-name-firefox } va dentant in pass pli lunsch.
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