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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • chromebook.ftl
We wish it were more straightforward, but your { -brand-name-chromebook } would prefer to keep you in the { -brand-name-google-play } ecosystem. However, we think it’s worth the effort to install the { -brand-name-firefox } browser to your { -brand-name-chromebook } – and we’ve got resources to help you if you need them. There are two ways to get { -brand-name-firefox } on your device.
I fiss bel sch'i fiss pli simpel, ma tes { -brand-name-chromebook } fa tut per tegnair tai en l'ecosistem da { -brand-name-google-play }. Nus essan dentant da l'avis ch'i vala la paina dad installar il navigatur { -brand-name-firefox } sin tes { -brand-name-chromebook } – e nus avain resursas per ta gidar sch'igl è necessari. I dat duas vias per installar { -brand-name-firefox } sin tes apparat.
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