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Entity en-US rm
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • am-junk.dtd
If enabled, you must first train &brandShortName; to identify junk mail by using the Junk toolbar button to mark messages as junk or not. You need to identify both junk and non junk messages. After that &brandShortName; will be able to mark junk automatically.
Sch'il filter per e-mails nungiavischads è activà, sto el vegnir trenà uschia che e-mails nungiavischads (Junk/Spam) vegnan identifitgads cun il temp cun auta probabilitad. Utilisescha ils buttuns "Nungiavischà" resp. "Betg nungiavischà" en la trav da simbols per classifitgar endretg messadis ch'è n'èn betg vegnids identifitgads a moda correcta. Pli tard vegn &brandShortName; ad esser abel da marcar automaticamain messadis sco nungiavischads.
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