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Entity en pt-PT
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
In 1950, computers took up whole rooms and were dumber than today’s pocket calculators. But progress was swift, and by 1960 they were able to run complex programs. Governments and universities across the globe thought it would be great if the machines could talk, nurturing collaboration and scientific breakthroughs.
Em 1950, os computadores ocupavam salas inteiras e tinham menos capacidade do que as calculadoras de bolso atuais. Mas o progresso foi rápido e, em 1960, eles eram capazes de executar programas complexos. Governos e universidades em todo o mundo pensaram que seria ótimo se as máquinas pudessem comunicar, estimulando a colaboração e avanços científicos.
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