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If you purchase your subscription through in-app purchase from the { -brand-name-apple } { -brand-name-app-store } or the { -brand-name-google-play } Store, your payment is subject to the terms and conditions of the { -brand-name-app-store }. You must direct any billing and refund inquiries for such purchases to { -brand-name-apple } or { -brand-name-google }, as appropriate.
Als u uw abonnement aanschaft via in-app-aankopen bij de { -brand-name-apple } { -brand-name-app-store } of de { -brand-name-google-play } Store, valt uw betaling onder de algemene voorwaarden van de { -brand-name-app-store }. U dient alle verzoeken om facturering en teruggave voor dergelijke aankopen te richten aan { -brand-name-apple } of { -brand-name-google }, afhankelijk van de situatie.
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