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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • home-new.ftl
At its core, { -brand-name-mozilla } is an activist organization led by the { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } that makes change in the world through a variety of ventures including { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }, MZLA, <a {$ventures}>{ -brand-name-mozilla-ventures }</a> and <a {$mozai}>{ -brand-name-mozilla-ai }</a>. How are we different? Because we’re mission-driven, it means we have the freedom to make all of our decisions based on what’s best for the internet and for everyone online, not based on the demands of shareholders — we don’t actually have any of those.
Pada asasnya, { -brand-name-mozilla } adalah satu organisasi aktivis yang dikemudi oleh { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } yang memperjuangkan perubahan positif di dunia ini melalui beberapa usaha termasuklah { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }, MZLA, <a { $ventures }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-ventures }</a> dan <a { $mozai }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-ai }</a>. Kenapa kami berbeza? Kami dipacu oleh satu misi. Ini bermakna kami mampu berbuat keputusan demi kebaikan pengguna internet sejagat, bukannya berdasarkan kehendak pemegang saham — kami tidak mempunyai pemegang saham.
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